Rrahman Saramati Apps

Alfabeti Shqip 1.0
Alfabeti i gjuhes shqipe per femij
Guerrilla Marketing 1.0
These app is for Guerrilla marketing, thatmarketing that is new on my country. KosovoI am proud that i am Albanian , Kosovar
Shqip 1.0
Aplikacioni shqip eshte nder aplikacionet epara qe jam duke i punuar per tu bere me proffesional ne teardhmen
28 Nentori 2.2
Application for 28 Novemberto give a small contribution, to feel Shqipetar
My Bike Trip 0.1
i am going with my bicycle everywhere .and i am sharing my videos on youtube .you can see beautiful places of Kosovo Prizren.
Loja me Flamura 0.1
kjo loje eshte ne verzionin e pare,kuperfshihen vetem disa shtete.